Kiowa-Roadrunner 345 kV Transmission Line Conversion Project

The Kiowa-Roadrunner 345 kV transmission line conversion project consists of approximately 40 miles of new 345 kV transmission line between the new Roadrunner Substation located about 42 miles southeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico and the Kiowa Substation located approximately 14 miles northeast of Carlsbad.

The line, initially built and operated at 230 kV was placed in-service in October, 2015. The 345 kV conversion was completed in April, 2018.

The project will improve reliability and meet growing electricity demand in Eddy and Lea Counties. It will also create additional capacity in the existing 115 kV system.

Quick Facts
Estimated length
42 miles
Estimated cost
$23 million
In-service date
April 27, 2018