The Bailey - New Amherst - Lamb 115 kV Transmission Line Project consists of approximately 42 miles of new 115 kV transmission line between the existing Bailey County Interchange, located near Muleshoe, Texas and the existing Lamb County Interchange located near Littlefield, Texas. The project also includes expanding the Lamb County Interchange, adding two new substations (New Amherst and Hornet), as well as expanding the Bailey County Pump Station.
A need for this project has been identified by the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), based on their 2014 Integrated Transmission Plan Near Term Study, to address overload issues and improve electrical reliability for customers in the service area. SPP issued a Notice to Construct on February 19, 2014.
In April, 2018 Xcel Energy filed a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) with the Public Utility Commission of Texas seeking approval for the project. The project received approval from the Commission in July 2018. The CCN process determines the project need and impact as well as the line characteristics, such as substations and endpoints, and the line route.
Construction on the project is expected to begin in 2019.